Abhiraj Bhowmick

How to SEO?

Created December 22, 2021

When building out your website, you’ll want to keep search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. You want your site visitors to be able to easily find what they’re looking for, so it’s important that Google can follow all of your links correctly. To do that, web developers often follow these simple 10 best practices when creating a new website.


have been deprecated with HTML5 in favor of tags like


which already convey context.


How to ensure good SEO for any site?

1️⃣ On-page Optimization

The goal of on-page optimization is simple: ensure that a website’s content includes all of the necessary elements for search engines to locate, index, and correctly rank it. When done correctly, on-page optimization helps websites provide an exceptional user experience while also being discovered by searchers. So why isn’t every site optimized? In short, because optimizing a website requires knowing what matters to search engines—and even Google itself admits that understanding SEO can be challenging.

2️⃣ User Experience and User Interface

If you’re building a website, focus on its user experience. Visitors should be able to quickly find what they’re looking for. If you have a high-quality product or service that fits into a competitive market, chances are there are going to be plenty of people trying their best not just to take business away from you but also just curious about learning more about your company. Google Analytics can tell you how many visitors land on specific pages within your site as well as how much time they spend there before moving on or leaving entirely.

3️⃣ What Google Does Not Like

Google is a machine, but it does not like spam. It doesn’t take much for a website to be flagged as a black-hat website in Google’s search engine. If your page ranks high on Google, it helps build trust in your site. When people see that you are an authority in your field, they will likely click through from another site to view content or buy something from you. However, if they click through and see that all of your pages have been created automatically with no human involvement whatsoever, your web design may not have met all of Google’s standards.

4️⃣ Watch Out For Cloaking and Spamming Techniques

Cloaking is a technique that shows a search engine a completely different version of your website than a human visitor. A great way to spot cloaking is if you notice that certain pages of your site have been tagged as spam by search engines. Cloaking can negatively impact your search engine optimization efforts, so it’s important to stay on top of those things. While you may think it’s easier said than done, remember that if you don’t pay attention, competitors who do could gain an unfair advantage on your business.

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